Friday, March 21, 2014

Reaction to Brokeback Mountain

For your final journal entry for the class I want you think about how the characters in "Brokeback Mountain" are defined and limited by society's expectations for the roles men and women must play. Remember as we discussed in class, our culture often has set expectation for masculinity and femininity. How did these expectations limit or define the characters of Jack and Ennis? How were their lives affected by these expectations? Would they have behaved differently if they lived in a different place or a different time? Can you think of other movies or books where the characters behave in a certain way because of what is expected of them as men or women?

Please write at least two complete paragraphs as a response.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ending of 3:10 to Yuma

The character of Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) quotes Bible verses throughout the film. One verse that may shed some light on how the film version of the story ends is Proverbs 13:3...

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.

What does this proverb mean in light of the film's ending where Ben Wade is the only member of his gang that survives..leaving Dan Evan's to die by the side of the train tracks after saving his life several times?

Write at least two complete paragraphs as a reaction and take into account the responses of your classmates as you respond.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Comparing the Film and Short Story Versions of The Witness for the Prosecution

After watching the movie version of  The Witness for the Prosecution it should be apparent that there are many differences between the film and the story you read for class. While the plot is essentially the same, there were many elements and scenes added for the film. For example, the character of Miss Plimsoll (the nurse who cares for Sir Wilfrid) is not even in the short story. For your journal assignment this week I want you to identify at least two differences between the movie and the story and explain why you think the changes were made. Do the changes improve the story? What value to the changes add?

A complete response should be at least three paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each. Don't write your entire response in one entry but develop a conversation and respond to what others in class have said.