After watching the movie version of The Witness for the Prosecution it should be apparent that there are many differences between the film and the story you read for class. While the plot is essentially the same, there were many elements and scenes added for the film. For example, the character of Miss Plimsoll (the nurse who cares for Sir Wilfrid) is not even in the short story. For your journal assignment this week I want you to identify at least two differences between the movie and the story and explain why you think the changes were made. Do the changes improve the story? What value to the changes add?
A complete response should be at least three paragraphs of 4-5 sentences each. Don't write your entire response in one entry but develop a conversation and respond to what others in class have said.
One of the differences in the movie is the ending part. In the book Romaine which name was Marie in the book, told the lawyer that she knew her husband Leonard was guilty and it ended like that. In the movie Romaine was ambushed by the media and after she told the lawyer she knew her husband Leonard was guilty he came in the courtroom talking to Romaine and the lawyer. A young brunette lady appeared, whom was brought up by the victims lawyer and they started talking about going away together. They victims lawyer claims that Leonard and the young brunette was seen in a travel agency together. Leonard told Romaine that he would get her a good lawyer to fight her case of perjury and he and the young brunette was going away .Romaine felt betrayed by Leonard and stabbed him in the heart and he died. I liked that ending better because it showed Leonard's true character.
ReplyDeleteThe way he met Emily was different also. In the book Leonard met Emily saving her and in the movie he met her looking in the window of a boutique store. Then their second encounter they met at the movie theatre with her wearing the hat he recommended her to wear instead of at a party. I'm not sure what was any elements that made that different from the film to the story. I think that him saving her would have been more interesting than him meeting her at the boutique store. It would make Leonard the hero to Emily and that's why she was being so nice to him. By Leonard meeting her in the boutique I guess it makes her feel very attracted to him. Leonard made her feel alive and young.
I agree with you in the ending, it was extremely different than the short story because Vole died in the end. We was not expecting that at all, well at least I was not. I think the ending in the movie was changed to add drama to the film and more intersting. The short story was ok, but I enjoyed the twist that was added to the film to make it more intersting and kept us on our toes.
DeleteAfter reading and watching the film I did notice there are many differences in the short story and film. The ending in the film was completely different than the short story I read, Leonard Vole was killed in the end by his wife Romaine because he was leaving her for a brunette woman. In the short story he did not die and there was no other woman, it was just Romaine and she revealed that Leonard was in fact guilty of killing Ms. French to his lawyer. Also in the film Romaine’s name was changed, not really sure why and the purpose of this change.
ReplyDeleteAnother difference was Leonard Vole had a different lawyer than the one in the short story. I think this was done to give the movie more drama and a plot. The lawyer in the movie was a character we was funny and a great lawyer; I see why this was changed. In the short story he was involved but not much about him was interesting. In the film we had health issues and were still taking on the case, despite his doctor ordering him not to. He also was drinking alcohol and smoking cigars behind his nurses back, which made the film have some comedy because the interactions between the nurse and him were hilarious I really enjoyed those parts of the movie.
Yeah I liked the lawyer in the movie. He was sarcastic and funny. He added comedy to drama in the movie. I also liked how they added the nurse. She worked the lawyer nerves. She helped to add to his humor
DeleteFrom reading and watching the film there were a few changes from the short story and the ending of the film version. whenever a short story is turned into a film its never the same there's always a twist in the short story Leonard didn't die and he didn't have a second girl who he was going to marry. In the film version which I liked a better Leonard was going to leave his wife romaine for someone who was younger and for that she stab him and he died instantly.
ReplyDeleteThe lawyer in the film version Sir Wilfred made the film more interesting because of the things he did such such as smoking when hes not suppose to,how he talked to his nurse, and how he handled the case hes a really good lawyer. the lawyer in the short story didn't seem as interesting as the one in the film version. overall this story and film were not bad I don't usually watching films in black and white but I really liked this story and film.
I agree with both Mayleen and Janine the ending in the short story and the film was a lot different but the film version made things more interesting because in the short story it seemed as after the case everyone just moved on with there life but in the film Leonard was killed by his wife which I think nobody expected.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone that the changes in the film version was better ,rather than the short story. The film version brings out the characters traits better. I like the lawyer and the nurse that was aded to the film version. It made the film more interesting. They were humor. The ending was dramatic. The fim version appeals more to the story, bringing the scene more lively and vivid.
DeleteThe difference betwen the movie and the film "witness for the prosecution" is that in the story Leonard vole's wife Romaine was changed to Christine in the film version. Another difference in the film was Leonard Vole had a mistress.
ReplyDeleteThe big differnce between the story and film was the way it ended. In the short story version Romaine revelas that she devises the whole plan because she knew Leonard was guilty, where as the film version continued on with the added twists of Romaine stabbing Leonard to death.
The changes were made to the film version rather than the story maybe because the writer wanted a dramatic ending. Instead, in the short story the criminal get of with a easy life; rather than justice be done on the murderer in the film version
I agree with you that the big difference between the story and film was the way it ended. and I believe all the class think the same. because for me that was the more meaningful change too. Nobody thought in this end after read the story, it was a total surprise for all.
DeleteThe difference between the short story and the film are many but one of the more notable were in the end of the film. The story finishes when Romaine admits to Mr. Mayhern that Mr. Vole is guilty, and in the film, this happens, but also Mr. Vole gather with Romaine/Christine, and immediately arrives another woman, and when Vole and this girl see each other, they kiss. He told Christine that he is going to left her and start a new life with that woman. Christine was puzzled and angry, Christine loves this man, so, after everything she has done to save him, he pays her that way, and Christine, gets a knife and kill him. This was great, it surprised us all. I believe this change was made to give the story a more conclusive and dramatic ending.
ReplyDeleteAnother change that was made in the film was the way Mr. Vole and Ms. French met. In the story he met her when he save her life, and in the film he met her in a store of hats. The second time they see each other in the story was in a party and in the film was in a theater. I don’t see why the change of this part of the story because I feel the way they met in the story is more interesting than the film.
After reading the short story and watching the film, I found that in the book has a slightly different ending. Some of the characters' names are different in the book. Christine in the movie is called Romaine in the story. The biggest difference is in the ending, which does not involve any mention of perjury.
ReplyDeleteThe ending of the book left me to believe that Christine and Leonard now live happily ever after as murderer and accomplice, but the movie ends totally different the change of Romaine/Christine stabbing Leonard to death. I didn't see that coming at all. I would prefer the movie ending and not the book ending.I love me a mystery/action movie.. I thought the movie had a great ending.
The Witness for the Prosecution 2 differences between the book and the film are. One is the book has a slightly different ending. Two some of the characters' names are different in the book. Leonard Vole is found innocent of the murder of Mrs. French in the film. In the book he also choose a different method of murdering Mrs. French. He stabbed her instead of throwing acid in her face like he did in the film.
ReplyDeleteI believe the changes that where made in the film compared to the book about the characters show how they both get to know each other and show us more of Mr. Vole character.