Friday, March 21, 2014

Reaction to Brokeback Mountain

For your final journal entry for the class I want you think about how the characters in "Brokeback Mountain" are defined and limited by society's expectations for the roles men and women must play. Remember as we discussed in class, our culture often has set expectation for masculinity and femininity. How did these expectations limit or define the characters of Jack and Ennis? How were their lives affected by these expectations? Would they have behaved differently if they lived in a different place or a different time? Can you think of other movies or books where the characters behave in a certain way because of what is expected of them as men or women?

Please write at least two complete paragraphs as a response.


  1. I think that Jack and Ennis were defiantly limited, I mean they thought because they had children and wives they were not Gay. In their mind gays did not have what they had, manly jobs and of course wives and children. Because of these expectations Jack and Ennis lived in denial, I guess in their heads a gay male would be more woman like instead of manly. If Jack and Ennis lived in my time they would have spent their lives together and would have accepted the fact that they are indeed gay. I say that because if you are gay the way you act whether manly or more feminine does not matter. It is kind of stereotyping in a sense, all gay men are feminine. Just simply not true but in my time they would have been accepted more.
    I think there are many films that the characters have to behave a certain way. For example, 007 movies I think are a little feminist; it is always the guys who save a damsel in distress. Or she has to be sexy in a bathing suit or sexy dresses while James bonds are fighting all the bad guys. Why can’t a female save the day for once in this film? My point in this movie is that James Bond is the manly man driving fast cars and shooting guns while the female has to be sexy and feminine.

  2. In "Broke Mountain"society expected men and women to play the part has a man and woman role. They men and women were supposed to get married and beared children.Men work and provide for their families. Women bear children and guide the house.
    Jack and Enis life were affected because their limitations of not being able to be free. They were not able to express their relationship has a male and female would. This would have made them indifferent to scociety. As Society would have properly killed them. Their lifes were affected because they had to hide who they truly were. They went on to other relationships that they know that they were not interested just to satisfy society morales. They had to make decisions that affected their relationship with their families and children.

    If they had live in different time where their relationship had been accepted things would have been different because they would not have to hide their feeling or relationship. They would have been free to be who they are.
    I can't think of any book or movies other than the women's right in the 18th and 19th century where women were expected to play a certain role in society. As men also were expected to lead.

  3. I think that society had made Jack and Enis ashamed of who they were. Men are taught to love women protect and provide. You are not suppose to be with the same sex mostly religious reasons. Men are to fall in love with , get married, have kids, and build a home together. Men are suppose to bring home the bacon and the wife is suppose to take care of the kids and the house.

    Jack and Enis tried to prove to each other they were not gay. The first words were spoken after sex was 'I ain't no fucking queer'. Society made it seem like you weren't masculine if you like the same sex. You weren't a real man.

    Jack and Enis lives were affected because they felt they couldn't ecpress themselves. They couldn't love each other openly because it woukd be frowned upon and may even cause death. They were scared to tell each other how they felt. I think that if they were able to let people know how they felt about each other they would of had a better life. They wouldn't have to sneek around and be in denial of who they really are.

    Pretty Woman is a movie that is based on what society see you as. In the movie Pretty Woman Julia Roberts was frowned upon because of the way she made a living. Being a prostitute was not acceptable in the high class neighborhood. Richard Grier didnt want anyone to know what she did as a living. When Juila Roberts went clothes shopping.they were mean and nastt to her. They never gave her a chance. They looked at her in disgust because of her attire. Even the employees at the hotel were unpleasant to her. Women were judged and not accepted if they knew you were a prostitute.

  4. I think that Jack and Enis did not wanted to accept that they were gay, because even after having sex they though that there was nothing wrong with what they did. In sociaty if you are a male and have a partner of the same sex they concidered you gay and not hide it like they both tried to do. Jack and Enis thought they were straight and not gay because they had wives and kids and for that one time what happen up in the mountains there was nothing wrong but other people do not see it like that.

    If Jack and Enis would have leave in a different time and place, I think they would let the true feelings out for each other from the beginning. for example now people are not afraid to show or say that they are gay, even you can get married with the same sex if you want. They both would leave fien and probably have a relationship if they wanted which in the book I think they wanted but was scared to do so because one they did not wanted people to think anything less of them, and also they wanted to act manly and think nothing was wrong with the both of them.

  5. In Broke Back mountain society made Jack and Ennis ashamed of who they were because they were in love. Even though they loved each other they were not allowed to show that affection in public because they would get killed I think that's what happened to Jack. He wanted people to know he was with Ennis and because of that he was removed from society. Although both Jack and Ennis did what they were suppose by having kids and a family they were not allow to be together because of society at the time. Maybe in today's society they wouldn't have a lot of problems as they did back then but they would still discriminated against by some people but not everyone and they would be able to show their affection in public.

  6. In the film "Broke Back Mountain” Ennis and Jack was limited by society to be who they really was, which is Gay men. Stereotypes that society has about men must be masculine, aggressive, and powerful and not like the same sex. Jack and Ennis was trapped in a life over which they had little control. They had to be just like everyone else and fake as if they were into women. . This didn’t help much because Jack and Ennis both found themselves sneaking to be with one another. Living like this isn’t going to prove anything, but what it will do is destroy a family and that what Ennis and jack had to face.
    If Jack and Ennis was in a different time period and a different place they would be able to be themselves. As days goes by same sex relationships are slowly being accepted. Every day there are people fighting for the rights of same sex relationship and fighting for this has caused people to get badly beating and killed. There should be no say over who you can date or love.
    The film Something New with Sanaa Lathan and Simon Baker, an African American woman and a white man falls in love and their family wasn’t accepting their interracial relationship. Until today Society still have a problem with interracial dating. In fact some cultures do not believe that dating or marrying a different race is acceptable, and in some countries women and men have lost their lives for it. It makes you think and ask yourself will society ever change?
