Monday, February 17, 2014

Would you recommend this movie to a friend?

2001: A Space Odyssey is regarded by many critics and film makers as one of the greatest and most influential films of all time. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Ridley Scott have all cited the film as influencing their work and regard the film as one of the best, if not the best, science fiction film ever made. 2001 is included on many critics lists including the American Film Institutes “100 Greatest Films of All Time,” The Village Voice’s “100 Best Films of the 20th Century” and the Vatican named it as one of the 45 best films ever made. George Lucas said this about the film:

“Stanley Kubrick made the ultimate science fiction movie, and it is going to be very hard for someone to come along and make a better movie, as far as I'm concerned. On a technical level, it can be compared, but personally I think that '2001' is far superior.”

Yet, I sensed a mixed reaction to film as you viewed it in class and there are some critics which do not hold the film with the same high regard. The New York Times film critic described it as "somewhere between hypnotic and immensely boring” and other critics have described it as “dull.”

Given that there is an on-going debate about 2001’s place and influence and that you have read reviews of the film, what is your opinion on how 2001: A Space Odyssey should be regarded? How does the film compare to other science fiction films like Star Wars or the Alien films? Do you think it is a good film, an important film?  Would you recommend it?

The purpose of this exercise is to have an ongoing dialogue or conversation about the topic. When you post your response this week you should not only answer the questions but respond to what your class mates have also said. You may want to post more than once. Complete posts are at least 3 paragraphs of 4-5 sentences in each paragraph. You may want to wait until after our discussion in class on Feb 24 to respond or post.


  1. 2001: A space Odyssey may not be the best film of all times in my films collection. Some people might think it has a slog while others may think it has a great movie. In my opinion, I think the movie should be view through the year the movie was released. In the year 1968 when other science fiction film was created, I can only imagine the nature and the effect 2001 had on other films made at that time.
    In a modern time compare to the year 1968, people today is accustomed to a faster story that has action, suspense or drama. So a movie like 2001 is considered is to be slow, boring, long or illogical.

    Despite the slowness of the movie, what I like about Stanley is how he created such a natural effect of 2001: A space Odyssey. He manage to make space seems so real with all of his floating effects. The rotating space station and the video phone. The camera effects was so great.
    On the other hand, movies like star wars and aliens which also can be catgeorize has being slow seems to have more dialogue, suspense and action. What Stanley was missing in his film is the intensity to connect with the people. The plot seems too long. There is not enough dialogue in the film. He took a very long time before he can get to the climax. The film needed more action rather than suspense.

    Despite the slowness of 2001, I think its an important film to be seen because it enlighten us on every day life; with modern technology overtaking mankind and the progression of human in the universe still seen in today world.

    2001: A space Odyssey ,can be view whether the person who is viewing it want to see it has it is or they allow their mind to think deeper than their imagination. And so being I will recommend this film to anyone.

    1. I agree Alicia even though we are not used to this films like this because of the slowness and little dialogue this is a film everyone should watch. Basically it is like paying your dues and seeing how history has evolved because of this film. Me personally despite it being slow I enjoyed it, especially the special effect I would also recommend this movie to anyone.

  2. 2001: A Space Odyssey I think is a good film because it changed the way we viewed films. This film was made in 1968 and the special effects are amazing even as I watch it today in 2014 I was impressed. Imagine the impact it had in 1968 when we never even landed on the moon yet. I can see why so many critics advised this is a great film.
    I would recommend this film to everyone who truly enjoys movies. I say this because if you have no passion for the art of movies you would not enjoy this. This film does not have much action, drama or dialogue which most of us now are used too. The film is mainly quite, very slow and has so much suspense; also the sound track is great! If you are a diehard movie fan you can enjoy this movie.
    This movie showed you how space would really be; this is why the movie is slow. In space everything is slow. This is a much more realistic approach then other movies you enjoy like Alien and Star Trek everything is much more fast pace and unrealistic. Might I add because of this film Stanley Kubrick paved the way for Steven Spielberg and many others who were influenced by this film, especially the special effects. I do not believe anything before this film had the greatness and visual.
    As we have history for so many other things I feel like 2001: A Space Odyssey should be also mentioned even if you think the film was boring or too slow. Always remember this was done in 1968 and nothing was ever seen like it before. I would highly recommend anyone to view this film with an open mind and see how far we have because of this film.

    1. Great feedback and insights Mayleen and the rest of the class responds think about what Mayleen and Alicia have already said. If you think the film was too long, is this because we (movie going audiences) have shorter attention spans today than people did 40 years ago? Was the director trying to tell us something with the long passages without dialogue or action? If so, what was that message?

    2. I agree with you Mayleen, this film is recommendable for people that really enjoy movie. because in my personal point of view, if I hadn't have to see it for the class, I had changed the film at the first 5 minutes that I watched it

  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey, I think this movie have great special effects, but is a movie very boring and slow. I think maybe if it have a more extensive dialogue could be more entertaining. The special effect according the year that was made were extraordinary but I wouldn’t recommend this movie because apart of the special effect that were very impressed, the movie left many questions because of the context and the short dialogue. maybe in the year that was made the movie was a innovation because e of especial effects but even in that year I think the movie the movie left so much to talking about and some people maybe fell asleep.

    1. I agree with you yeniffer that the movie has great effects, but despite the boring and slowness I think this movie should be recommended to everyone.Most likely those who praise science fiction films. I think this movie will be a teaser to them. Since they can explore their mind and thinking beyond the natural.

  4. I agree this movie was to slow boring and at the end I got totally lost on the last astronaut. The way it ending still had you questioning what happened

    1. Janine...I think something happened to the rest of your post...did you want to say more? Also, tell me more about why you got lost in the ending....if the movie was so boring and nothing happened, how can be that so many people are still trying to figure out what happened?

  5. I don't think the people today have shorter attention spans than the people 40 years ago. I just think that the people today is full of excitement and adventures. The want to see something that would excite them. something interested.something they dont have to wonder or question too much. I have seen movies that are considered to be long and yet you dont think its bored or long drawn out because of the intense and action it gives you. That you keep pndering for more. All directors when creating a film, always try to send out a message to the audience. I think the message Stanley was trying to create was many like "where do we come from?" Man and the power of machine. The effect technology can have on us". And even questions that he wants us to explore our minds and think beyond has evolution- life forms. What happen after we die? where do we go? or do we simple go back to the creator. There can be many messages to this movie.

  6. Personally I think that 2001: A Space Odyssey, was very slow, I can understand someone not liking it. I think I like the movie mostly for sentimental reasons. I've watch this film twice. It made me think. In fact, it gave me a lot of space to think. I thought about how humans was created, what will the world be like 20 years from now, it just had my mind wondering. There are scenes in the movie that, if you are not thinking, but only watching, it can be extremely boring. Things floating, floating, ever so slowly through space. I wasn't use to watching a movie that slow, After seeing it a bunch more times, I think I have an understanding of the movie that works for me, and more importantly, recognize that there is no definitive explanation for the end of the film, it's more about what you bring to it and finding what works for you. I would recommend this movie, warn them at first that they must have patience because it is a good movie.

  7. I don't think I would recommend this movie. I feel that this movie is very slow and not easy to understand. People that I know and people in general want a movie that is fast paced and don't like to be confused in a movie. Take gravity for instance. You think its going to be a very boring and dragged out movie. But its not. It is a very fast paced movie and not confusing at all. I was lost in most of the movie. I think that I got the concept of the film, but not to sure. I dont think that gravity is a sci fi movie. Just because it's out in space doesn't mean that it is. Most of my friends would just say "Man this movie is crazy." "I'm lost." I love Stanley Kubrick's films. Full Metal Jacket and The Shining are just classic films of all time. Everyone knows those movies. But there nothing like 2001 Space Odyssey. If someone maybe liked his work like I do. They could give it a chance. But most people don't even want to bother. So what I'm saying is that I would be be hesitant to recommend it to most people, but for those that like Mr. Kubrick's work I would recommend it to them and just tell them your going to be lost but just give it a chance.
